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Meet Morgane

Certified Functional Nutritional Therapist Practitioner & Remedial Massage Therapist

I found my healing through food in 2013.

I used to suffer from PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), Chronic Fatigue, Eczema/Psioriasis, Severe Depression, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Muscle and Joint Pain, Migraines and sensitivities to a lot of foods.


I can now share with you that I am almost free from any of those symptoms. Food is medicine and nothing else can replace it.


It is possible to keep it simple, delicious and nutritious. I love what I eat and I don't feel that I deprive myself from anything in regards to food. I have just learnt to tune to my body and make the right choice of food for my conditions.


Let's talk more about who I was and who I am now.


I was born in France and I was very shy. I always loved animals and nature and I was an hyperactive and difficult child.


I was very good at school but when it came to life experience, it was a challenge. I didn't choose what was right for me and my self-esteem was really low.


I always had a passion for food and I enjoyed working for three years in a French restaurant during weekend while I was going to school on Monday to Friday.

After school I decided to do accounting just because, I thought I could make money as my parents never did.


Then in 2009, I realized that things needed to change so I decided to travel and I came to Australia. I learnt a new language and a new culture. It was really hard, but coming out of my comfort zone was the best thing I have ever done.


I then worked in Hospitality for over 10 years and part-time as a bookkeeper and as an admin officer.


In 2014, my doctor found some alarming blood test results and I was so frighten, but this time, I wanted to stop taking pills and choosing the right path for my health. I changed my diet,  my whole life started to change.

I felt empowered, my energy regained and I knew deep in my heart that it was what I wanted to do and help others.

I researched a lot about food and like you I was so confused but I found the right course that resonated with me and my healing journey.

I decided to expand my ability to help people in every natural way as possible so Massage Therapy, Brain Therapy, Infrared Sauna have been great tools to complement with nutrition. 


I also run Nutrition workshops monthly and I have been doing public speaking for almost three years now. I trust and go for it! I love teaching to people and explaining the basics which we can't underestimate.


When my gut healed, everything became better in my life automatically, I could think, organize, be happy and follow my heart and I wish everyone could follow me...





A Natural Girl
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